We (RGL) offer both Robotic and Handheld Hydrodemolition services and we typically use a combination of these techniques based on the unique demands of each Job.

By utilizing ultra-high pressure water and directing the resulting jet towards concrete, hydrodemolition is a versatile and efficient technique for breaking down and removing concrete.

Hydrodemolition does not produce any percussive vibration, which eliminates the risk of micro cracking in the surrounding structure and Hand-Arm Vibration Syndrome (HAVS) for the operator. Moreover, this process ensures that the rebar remains clean and intact, making it a cost-effective solution when the removed concrete will be resprayed or replaced.

Using only Ultra High Pressure water, the concrete is broken down into small gravel-like particles that can be removed using a mechanical shovel. Additionally, the water used during this process can be contained, treated, and disposed of on-site in an eco-friendly manner.

If we can support you in your next project, please do not hesitate to make contact.